Armés de 6.000 fusils, ils attaquent une garnison, sabotent les voies de chemin de fer et les lignes de télégraphe, incendient les exploitations agricoles et tuent une centaine de colons. The name Deutsches Reich was occasionally applied in contemporary maps to the Holy Roman Empire (911–1806), also called "Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation" from the 16th century onwards, though it constituted a supranational entity extending beyond the frontiers of the German language area (Sprachraum). Ces conditions, ainsi que les lourdes indemnités de guerres et la grave crise économique que connaît le pays, rendent chaotiques les premières années du nouveau régime. The Soviet Union, the three Western allies, and most other Western countries regarded the German Reich as still being one nation — not synonymous with either the West or East German state but rather the two states in collective. The unification under Prussian leadership manifested Bismarck's "Lesser German" solution of the German question after the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, realised with the support of his national liberal allies. - apparition des états-unis et de l’urss comme superpuissances…. However, this translation was not used throughout the full existence of the German Reich. On meeting these conditions under Article 7.2 "The United Germany [has] accordingly full sovereignty over its internal and external affairs."[19]. This Basic Law thus applies to the entire German people." Baionette Police époque Weimar ayant subi des modifications sous le Troisième Reich. Saint Empire Romain "Premier Reich" ( Allemand: Heiliges Römisches Reich): 02 février 962 - 06 août 1806 Confédération du Rhin ( allemand: Rheinbund ): 12 juillet 1906 - 04 novembre 1813 Confédération allemande ( allemand: Deutscher Bund ): 08 juin 1815 - 16 avril 1867 Reich - traduction français-anglais. The Allies refused to recognise Karl Dönitz as Reichspräsident or to recognise the legitimacy of his Flensburg Government (so-called because it was based at Flensburg and controlled only a small area around the town) and, on 5 June 1945, the four powers signed the Berlin Declaration and assumed de jure supreme authority with respect to Germany. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 7 octobre 2020 à 23:56. He is known for his work on Epic Movie (2007), The Negotiator (1998) and Mr. & Mrs. Smith (2005). Le fédéralisme est aboli et l’administration territoriale du Reich a lieu dans le cadre de Reichsgaue, chacun d’eux étant dirigé par un gauleiter nommé par le pouvoir central, ce qui fait du Troisième Reich le seul régime unitaire de l’histoire allemande à l’exception de la République démocratique allemande. Hence, the Reichskanzler became the Bundeskanzler. Gratuit. Nevertheless, the Federal Republic did not maintain the specific title 'German Reich'; and so consistently replaced the prefix "Reichs" in all official titles and designations with "Bundes". [11] Subsequently the term "German Reich" continued to be applied both as identifying with the national people, and also with the state territory; but increasingly, the application of the term to the German national people came to be seen as primary. Si l’empire fondé en 1871 est une monarchie constitutionnelle, le régime n’est cependant pas parlementaire, et malgré le suffrage universel institué dès l’origine, le Reichstag ne joue qu’un rôle restreint, le pouvoir exécutif n’émanant que de l’empereur. État-nation historique de l'Allemagne [1], l'Empire allemand est une monarchie parlementaire autoritaire avec une organisation territoriale fédérale. In 1936, the German Reich is one of the largest countries in Europe, spanning parts of both Western and Central Europe from the Rhine to Silesia, and from the North and Baltic Seas to the Alps. Sabi Dorr, Actor: Epic Movie. The court ruled that since 1949 the Federal Republic (FRG) had been partially identical with the German Reich and not merely its successor. Le rétablissement de la pleine souveraineté de l’Allemagne avec l’entrée en vigueur de la déclaration finale du traité de Moscou le 15 mars 1991 a attribué à la République fédérale d’Allemagne (RFA) la qualité qu’avait le Reich de 1871 d’État-nation petit-allemand, fédéral et intégré dans l’ordre européen. Blessés par le traité de Versailles, les Allemands commencèrent à tester les démocraties occidentales en en violant certains points les plus cruciaux, notamment la démilitarisation de la Rhénanie, sans avoir à en subir les conséq… So long as any de jure German state remained separated from the rest, the German Reich could continue to exist only in suspension; but should the GDR be reunited with the Federal Republic, the Reich would once more be fully capable of action as a sovereign state. Les notions de Reich et de Bund[1] sont comparables, voire interchangeables, dans l’histoire constitutionnelle de l’Allemagne ; il est ainsi déclaré dans le préambule de la constitution de 1871 que le roi de Prusse et les souverains des États du Sud forment une « Alliance perpétuelle Â» (« ewiger Bund Â»). The word Kaiserreich is applied to denote an empire with an emperor; hence the German Empire of 1871–1918 is termed Deutsches Kaiserreich in standard works of reference. The German word Reich translates to the English word "empire" (it also translates to such words as "realm" or "domain"). La SS et la police y tuèrent la grande majorité d'entre eux. Poignée et fourreau en très bon état. À partir de l’année 1938, le régime nazi se lance dans une politique d’annexions, puis de conquêtes militaires qui aboutissent au déclenchement la Seconde Guerre mondiale ; en 1940, le territoire du Reich s’est considérablement étendu et intègre notamment l’Autriche, l’Alsace-Lorraine et une moitié du territoire polonais[b]. La qualification du Saint Empire comme « Premier Reich Â» et celle de l’empire wilhelmien comme « Deuxième Reich Â» gagna en popularité avec l’ouvrage de l’écrivain nationaliste Arthur Moeller van den Bruck en 1923, Das dritte Reich ; van den Bruck est le premier à parler d’un « Troisième Reich Â» dont il souhaite l’avènement. Son ministre-président Otto von Bismarck, après l’échec du mouvement nationaliste de 1848, avait entrepris de réaliser l’unité au profit de la Prusse et « par le fer et par le sang Â». Under Article 1 of the Treaty on Final Settlement, the new united Germany committed itself to renouncing any further territorial claims beyond the boundaries of East Germany, West Germany and Berlin; "The united Germany has no territorial claims whatsoever against other states and shall not assert any in the future." In so far as the German Reich may be claimed to continue in existence as 'Germany as a whole', the former eastern territories of Germany in Poland or Russia, and the western territories, such as the eastern cantons or Elsass-Lothringen, are now definitively and permanently excluded from ever again being united within this Reich under the Basic Law. Rzesza Niemiecka. Une Assemblée nationale, réunie à Weimar, dote le Reich d’une constitution instaurant une démocratie pluraliste et semi-présidentielle. Following the Anschluss annexation of Austria in 1938, Nazi Germany informally named itself the Greater German Reich (German: Großdeutsches Reich). Du point de vue de l’histoire politique, le Reich allemand a disparu en 1945 avec l’effondrement de ses institutions. On 14 April 1871, the Reichstag parliament passed the Constitution of the German Empire (Verfassung des Deutschen Reiches), which was published two days later. L'Empire allemand (en allemand : Deutsches Kaiserreich, également dénommé Reich allemand) est le régime politique de l'Allemagne de 1871 à 1918. This name was made the official state name only during the last two years (1943–45) of Nazi rule under Adolf Hitler,[3] although the change was never proclaimed. Les autorités allemandes déportèrent, entre début novembre 1941 et fin octobre 1942, plus de 50 000 Juifs du Reich grand-allemand vers les ghettos des Etats baltes et de Biélorussie. [17] The court further elaborated that the 'partial identity' of the FRG was limited to apply only within its current de facto territory; and hence the Federal Republic could not claim an exclusive mandate for the territory of the Reich then under the de facto government of the German Democratic Republic; "identity does not require exclusivity". I/ Historique: A la fin de la 1er guerre mondiale, le Reich allemand disposé dans son armé du Gewehr 98 comme arme réglementaire. In place of the former Article 23 under which the former GDR had declared its accession to the Federal Republic, a new Article 23 embedded the accession of the Federal Republic to the European Union within the Basic Law; hence with the subsequent accession of Poland to the EU, the constitutional bar on pursuing any claim to territories beyond the Oder–Neisse line was reinforced. Reich tedesco. Tous les contre-pouvoirs possibles — Reichstag, Reichsrat, partis d’opposition â€” sont supprimés ou leurs actions rendues inopérantes. The constitutional status of the GDR under the Basic Law still differed from that of the Länder of the Federal Republic, in that the GDR had not declared its accession to the Basic Law; but the Constitutional Court maintained that the Basic Treaty was consistent with the GDR declaring its accession at some time in the future in accordance with its own constitution; and hence the Court determined that in recognising the GDR as a de jure German State, the Basic Treaty could be interpreted as facilitating the reunification of the German Reich (as indeed it eventually did). Les modalités de ce « maintien Â» sont susceptibles de plusieurs interprétations : Il existe depuis 1985 un « Gouvernement provisoire du Reich Â» (Kommissarische Reichsregierung), proche de l’extrême-droite, proclamé sur le postulat que le Reich existe toujours et que la République fédérale d’Allemagne n’existe pas du point de vue du droit international public et du droit constitutionnel. The 1918–1933 republic, which was also called the German Reich, was ignored and denounced by the Nazis as a historical aberration. Juridiquement issu de la confédération de l'Allemagne du Nord créée en 1867, il rassemblait la plupart des États précédemment membres de la Confédération germanique à l’exclusion de l’Autriche, dans le cadre de la configuration dite « petite-allemande Â». ». communauté francophone N°1 du téléchargement gratuit des films , series, jeux, music , Logiciels, mangas, ebooks gratuitement sur uptobox, 1fichier, uploaded et en Streaming sur [8] This geographical understanding of the Reich became steadily superseded in the period up to the first World War by an understanding of the German Reich as a unitary nation state identified with the German national people according to the principle of jus sanguinis, and drawing on the rhetoric of "the sovereignty of the nation" in the Frankfurt Constitution[9]—albeit that many ethnic "Germans" (as with the German-speaking peoples of Austria) remained outside the national people constituting the German Empire of 1871 and also that the Empire of 1871 included extensive territories (such as Posen) with predominantly non-German populations. This was explained as being because the German Democratic Republic was beyond FRG authority and because the Allied powers still had jurisdiction where "Germany as a whole" was concerned. On 8 May 1945, with the capitulation of the German armed forces, the supreme command of the Wehrmacht was handed over to the Allies. [12] Following the Second World War, the term "German Reich" fell out of use in constitutional formulations, being replaced by the term "nation as a whole", as applied to denote the state as a totality of the German national people; and the term "Germany as a whole", as applied to denote the state as a totality of German national territory. « Allemagne Â» est aujourd’hui la désignation courte officielle de la RFA. On the other hand, the German Reich of 1871 comprised extended Prussian territories with large non-German sections of the population, like Posen, West Prussia or Schleswig, and also territories with predominantly German populations which had never been constitutionally "German", such as East Prussia. Une partie de la population allemande qui vivait dans ces territoires avait déjà fui pendant la guerre devant l’avancée des troupes soviétiques. After the War and the abolition of the monarchy during the German Revolution of 1918–19, however, when Wilhelm was forced to abdicate, the official English name for Germany was the "German Reich": Reich was left untranslated and no longer referred to an "empire" but, instead, took on the connotation of "Realm" or "State". Germany - Germany - The Third Reich, 1933–45: When Hitler finally became chancellor, on January 30, 1933, it was not on the crest of a wave of popular support but as the result of backroom political intrigue by Schleicher, Papen, and the president’s son, Oskar von Hindenburg. The name "Weimar Republic" was first used in 1929 after Hitler referred to the period as the "Republik von Weimar" (Republic of Weimar) at a rally in Munich with the term later becoming mainstream during the 1930s both within and outside Germany. Marquage numéro SWI 975 (présent sur la baio et le fourreau) correspondant au district de Wiesbaden. Moreover, it included the whole of the Kingdom of Prussia, the eastern parts of which had never been included in historic German lands. Although commonly translated as "German Empire", the word Reich here better translates as "realm" or territorial "reach," in that the term does not in itself have monarchical connotations. Clockwise from the north, Germany borders Denmark, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Switzerland, France, Luxembourg, Belgium and the Netherlands. L’Empire allemand de 1871 – 1918 utilisa à son profit l'appellation complémentaire « Deuxième Reich Â», souhaitant ainsi se placer dans la continuité du Saint-Empire (le « Premier Reich Â») ; ensuite, le régime nazi ne fit que suivre la même logique en utilisant le nom « Troisième Reich Â». Les années 1920 voient le développement du mouvement nazi dirigé par Adolf Hitler ; ce dernier parvient au pouvoir à fin janvier 1933 en tant que chancelier du Reich, nommé par le président Hindenburg. The first attempt to establish a "German Empire" during the 1848 March Revolution by the Frankfurt Constitution ultimately failed: it was aborted by the monarchs of the German Confederation, especially by the King of Prussia, fighting German nationalism, which then was tied to the idea of popular sovereignty. Feb 26, 2014 - Just For Klicks is a fan-site featuring Playmobil® photo-stories Document 15 : Loi du 1er août 1934, relative au chef de l'État du Reich allemand. Article premier. Forums pour discuter de Reich, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. However, originating from the North German Confederation, the Empire never comprised all "German" lands; as it excluded Luxembourg, and those Cisleithanian crown lands of Austria-Hungary which had been part of the former German Confederation until 1865. The Federal Republic of Germany asserted, following its establishment in 1949, that within its boundaries it was the sole legal continuation of the German Reich; and consequently not a successor state. On 18 January 1871, Wilhelm I was proclaimed "German Emperor" at the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles, the German Reich was officially declared Deutsches Reich, or "German Empire",[4] explicitly referring back to the extinct Holy Roman Empire. This name was made the official state name only during the last two years (1943–45) of Nazi rule under Adolf Hitler , [3] although the change was never proclaimed. After the Unification of Germany, under the reign of the Prussian king Wilhelm I and his Chancellor Otto von Bismarck, the historic German states (e.g. Bismarck was otherwise unable, however, to avoid the term German Reich acquiring connotations from the English term "empire" or the Dutch term "rijk"; especially in emulation of late 19th century Imperialism, as exemplified by the British Empire, the Dutch Empire and the French colonial empire. Reich Jerman. Before and during the events of World War I, the German state was called an "empire" in English and Wilhelm II was titled "His Imperial and Royal Majesty the German Emperor." The German Empire or the Imperial State of Germany, also referred to as Imperial Germany, was the German nation state that existed from the unification of Germany in 1871 until the November Revolution in 1918.. Hence, although the GDR had by the Volkskammer's declaration of accession to the Federal Republic, initiated the process of reunification; the act of reunification itself (with its many specific terms and conditions; including the fundamental amendments to the Basic Law required by the Treaty of Final Settlement) was achieved constitutionally by the subsequent Unification Treaty of 31 August 1990; that is through a binding agreement between the former GDR and the Federal Republic now recognising each another as separate sovereign states in international law. A 1923 book entitled Das Dritte Reich by Arthur Moeller van den Bruck[15] counted the medieval Holy Roman Empire as the first and the 1871–1918 monarchy as the second, which was then to be followed by a "reinvigorated" third one. Dieter Blumenwitz écrit ainsi : «  When the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany between Germany and the wartime Allies was signed on 12 September 1990, there was no mention of the term Deutsches Reich, however the Allies paraphrased the international legal personality of Germany as "Germany as a whole" in the English version of the text. Verrons-nous une Allemagne « européanisée » s’impliquant dans la construction d’un continent uni, ou verrons-nous, une fois encore, une Allemagne es­sayant de dominer l’Europe ? Le chancelier du Reich devient responsable devant le Reichstag et un véritable gouvernement est créé. This transition became formalised in the constitution of the Weimar Republic,[10] where Article 1 identifies the Reich as deriving its authority from the German national people, while Article 2 identifies the state territory under the Reich as the lands which, at the time of the constitution's adoption, were within the authority of the German state. Sabi Dorr was born on August 24, 1943 in Haifa, Palestine. [1] From 1943 to 1945, the official name of Germany became – but was not formally proclaimed – Großdeutsches Reich ("Greater German Reich") on account of the additional German peoples and associated territories annexed into the state's administration before and during the Second World War. Saint-Empire romain de la Nation germanique, prennent le contrôle de tous les pouvoirs d’État, déclaration concernant la défaite de l’Allemagne et la prise de contrôle de l’autorité suprême à l’égard de l’Allemagne, territoires à l’est de l’Oder et de la Neisse, expulsée vers le nouveau territoire allemand, Situation juridique du Reich allemand après 1945,, Catégorie Commons avec lien local identique sur Wikidata, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. As of 1974, East Germany's official stance was that the GDR was a new state that is German in nature, a successor of the German Empire,[18] and that there were then two German states that were different nations. Following German reunification in 1990, the expanded Federal Republic describes itself as 'United Germany'; emphasising that Germany does not now recognise any territories outside its united boundaries, but ever included in the former German Reich, as having a valid claim to be a part of Germany as a whole. Plusieurs théories ont été avancées pour défendre l’idée que le Reich avait juridiquement disparu : S’opposent à ces théories les théories dites du maintien (Fortstandtheorien), qui postulent que le Reich n’a pas disparu en 1945. Apart from official documents, post-World War I Germany was referred to as the "German Reich" — never as the "German Empire" — for example, by British politicians[7]—and the word "Reich" was used untranslated by Allied prosecutors throughout the Nuremberg Trials, with "German Empire" only used to describe Germany before it became a federal republic in 1918. [13] The Nazis also contemptuously referred to it as "the System".[14]. Son ministre-président Otto von Bismarck, après l’échec du mouvement nationaliste de 1848, avait entrepris de réaliser l’unité au profit de la Prusse et « par le fer et par le sang ». Les territoires à l’est de l’Oder et de la Neisse, formant le quart du Reich de 1937, sont détachés de l’Allemagne en application des décisions prises à la conférence de Potsdam et annexés à la Pologne ou — pour la partie nord de la Prusse-Orientale â€” annexés à l'Union soviétique ; la population allemande qui y réside encore est expulsée vers le nouveau territoire allemand dans les années suivantes[c]. L’Empire allemand (en allemand : Deutsches Reich) était le premier État-nation de l’histoire de l’Allemagne. Les nazis employèrent l’expression dans les années 1920 pour souligner leur volonté de renverser la république, mais l’abandonnèrent plus ou moins une fois arrivés au pouvoir pour parler simplement de « Reich Â». At the Potsdam Conference, Allied-occupied Germany was defined as comprising "Germany as a whole"; and was divided into British, French, American and Soviet occupation zones; while the Allied Powers exercised the state authority assumed by the Berlin Declaration in transferring the former eastern territories of the German Reich east of the Oder–Neisse line to the Republic of Poland and the Soviet Union. Instead the states of the Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany, FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (East Germany, GDR) agreed to be bound by certain conditions which they had to ratify, one of which was the recognising the reunification of East Germany, West Germany and Berlin as constituting the full achievement of a united Germany. Hence, although the GDR had nominally declared its accession the Federal Republic under Article 23 of the Basic Law, this did not imply its acceptance of the Basic Law as it then stood; but rather of the Basic Law as subsequently amended in line with the Unification Treaty and the Treaty of Final Settlement. Article 23 of the Basic Law was repealed, closing off the possibility for any further states to apply for membership of the Federal Republic; while Article 146 was amended to state explicitly that the territory of the newly unified republic comprised the entirety of the German people; "This Basic Law, which since the achievement of the unity and freedom of Germany applies to the entire German people, shall cease to apply on the day on which a constitution freely adopted by the German people takes effect". Le caractère parlementaire du régime est tempéré par les forts pouvoirs accordés au président du Reich (Reichspräsident), chef d’État disposant d’une certaine latitude pour la désignation du chancelier et la formation du cabinet. Le 12 janvier 1904, il y a 115 ans jour pour jour, des Héréros, soutenus par leurs voisins Namas, et emmenés par un de leurs chefs, Samuel Maharero, le responsable de la région Okahandja, se révoltent contre les fermiers blancs et l'administration allemande. At the 1871 Unification of Germany (aside from Austria), the Reich was established constitutionally as a federation of monarchies, each having entered the federation with a defined territory; and consequently the unitary nationalism of the 'German Reich' was initially specified (at Article 1 of the 1871 constitution) in territorial terms, as the lands within the former boundaries of this particular subset of German monarchies. German Reich (German: Deutsches Reich, pronounced [ˈdɔʏtʃəs ˈʁaɪç]) was the constitutional name for the German nation state that existed from 1871 to 1945. This was confirmed in the 1990 rewording of the preamble; "Germans..have achieved the unity and freedom of Germany in free self-determination. Hors d’Allemagne, le terme Reich est aujourd’hui fortement associé au régime nazi. These amendments had the effect of removing all those clauses by which the Federal Constitutional Court had formerly maintained the identity of the Federal Republic with the historic 'German Reich', specifically including the very Article 23 that had provided the basis for the Volkskammer's declaration of accession. [16] The declaration asserted the complete legal extinction of the Third Reich following death of Adolf Hitler on 30 April 1945, but the continued subsequent existence of a German people and a German national territory; although subject to the four signatory powers also asserting their authority to determine the future boundaries of Germany. Bavaria and Saxony) were united with Prussia under imperial rule, by the Hohenzollern dynasty. After World War II, the denotation "German Reich" quickly fell into disuse in Allied-occupied Germany, however, and the state's continued existence remained a matter of debate; the post-war Bonn Republic maintained the continued existence of the German Reich as an 'overall state", but dormant while East and West Germany continued to be divided. The identity of Reich and people ran both ways—not only did the institutions of the German state derive their legitimacy from the German people, so, too, the German people derived their inherent identity and patriotic duties from their being collectively constituted as an organ and institution of the German Reich. … "German Reich" was used in legal documents and English-language international treaties — for example, the Kellogg–Briand Pact[5] and the Geneva Conventions.[6]. Le Haut-Rhin est traversé par le front pendant la Grande Guerre : les combats de montagne marquent les territoires. Le retour de l’Allemagne, dans une position de force … L’utilisation du mot Reich pour le nom du nouvel État visait à la présenter comme la résurrection du Saint-Empire romain germanique (Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation), disparu en 1806 lorsque François II avait déposé la couronne impériale et avait relevé tous les organes et fonctionnaires impériaux de leurs devoirs envers l’Empire. Historically, only Germany from 1871 to 1918 — when Germany was under the rule of an emperor (Kaiser) — is known in English as the "German Empire" (Deutsches Kaiserreich in German historiography), while the term "German Reich" describes Germany from 1871 to 1945. Une semaine plus tard, dans sa "dernière heure" et à la rubrique "Allema… Après la mort de Hindenburg en août 1934, Hitler s’attribue les fonctions de chef d’État qu’il cumule avec celles de chef de gouvernement (chancelier) et prend le titre de « Führer et chancelier du Reich Â». Following the Anschluss annexation of Austria in 1938, Nazi Germany informally named itself the Greater German Reich (German: Großdeutsches Reich). Tournant douloureux en 1870 : l’Alsace et la Lorraine sont perdues par la France. During and following the Anschluss (annexation) of Austria in 1938, Nazi propaganda also used the political slogan Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer ("One people, one Reich, one leader"), in order to enforce pan-German sentiment. Although a latecomer (and against Bismarck's pleading), the German Empire established colonies in modern Togo, Cameroon, Namibia, Tanzania and Polynesia; with an extensive naval capability to support these. Les nazis visaient non seulement à mettre en place un «Reich de mille ans» mais surtout à changer le cours même de la nature. Il s’est effondré de facto, sinon de jure, avec la défaite de 1945 face aux Alliés. Le Reich allemand est né le 18 janvier 1871 par la proclamation du roi de Prusse Guillaume I comme empereur allemand au château de Versailles. Juridiquement, la création du Reich se traduit par l’adhésion des États du Sud à la Confédération et par la transformation de la constitution fédérale. Trois régimes politiques, distingués par leurs noms d'usage, ont utilisé ce nom officiel : Le terme Reich, intraduisible précisément en français, fait référence au Saint-Empire romain de la Nation germanique (en allemand : Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation), vaste ensemble qui rassembla de 962 à 1806 de nombreux États sous la couronne d’un « empereur des Romains Â».