To get your cosmetology license in Illinois, you’ll be required to complete 1,500 hours of instruction in a licensed cosmetology school and pass a written examination at a PSI testing facility. Licensing is a cornerstone of the cosmetology industry, so you should definitely spend some time getting familiar with the cosmetology licensing process of Illinois. Illinois Cosmetology License. Some states even have more specialty licenses for cosmetologists. Live Online Class . Illinois Cosmetology License Requirements. Illinois CE Hours. Cosmetologists! So That’s What a Cosmetology License Includes in Illinois. NEW! To be able to get your cosmetology license in Illinois, you need to complete the requirements listed by the Illinois Board of Cosmetology. Cosmetology school is a fun way to learn the skills you’ll need for a rewarding career in the health and beauty industry. AUTHORITY: Implementing the Barber, Cosmetology, Esthetics, Hair Braiding, and Nail Technology Act of 1985 [225 ILCS 410] and authorized by Section 2105-15(7) of the Civil Administrative Code of Illinois [20 ILCS 2105/2105-15(7)]. 2021 is a Renewal Year! Working with customers before you are properly licensed can lead to fines and license suspension, so follow these standards carefully: Illinois License Requirements Illinois Cosmetology License Renewal. 7 or 14 CEU Renewal Bundle. O ur IL license number is 190.000509 and you can see a copy of our license … We are a licensed Illinois cosmetology continuing education provider and offer classes that fulfill the CE requirements for Cosmetologists, Nail Technicians, and Estheticians. Barber licenses and barber teacher licenses expire on July 31 of each odd-numbered... Cosmetology License Reciprocity (Transfer) to Illinois. 1) A person applying for restoration of a license as a cosmetologist that has expired or been on inactive status for less than 5 years shall submit an application on forms provided by the Division and: Barber licenses and barber teacher licenses expire on July 31 of each odd-numbered... Cosmetology License Reciprocity (Transfer) to Illinois. For example, nail technician licenses may require as little as 300 practice hours. Illinois License Requirements Illinois Cosmetology License Renewal. Thinking of becoming a cosmetologist in Illinois … Cosmetologists in Illinois have some of the highest employment rates. Illinois IL Board of Cosmetology oversees all cosmetology licenses in Illinois. COSMETOLOGY AND BEAUTY CLASSES FOR ILLINOIS LICENSED PROFESSIONALS. Cosmetology programs may be offered through beauty schools, junior colleges, and vocational schools. Registration Now Open! Section 1175.430 Restoration – Cosmetology . That was a lot, but it’s important to know the type of information you’ll be expected to master in order to try obtain your license. Once you’ve passed the examination, you’ll need to fill out an application for licensure. Phew. a) Application for Restoration . Manda tory for 2021 Renewals. 1 Hour Sexual Harassment Training. April 11th, 2021 9am-4:30pm. For example, Illinois has a license for hair braiding.