Aidez-nous à compléter cette carte afin de connaitre les tendances en bises des Français ! Different Regions in France Practice La Bise Differently. In most parts of France, two cheeks are kissed, right cheek first. More than a tradition, it’s a habit and even a reflex. Nous voilà forts dépourvus lorsque la bise n'est plus bienvenue. Very respectable. To make matters a bit complicated, the number of “kisses” on the cheek during la bise will depend on the region of France that you are visiting. When you meet someone in France, you have three options: Shake hands (with strangers) Faire la bise (kiss on the cheek) (friends, acquaintances and family members) Simply say “Bonjour” (hello, good morning) or “bonsoir” (good evening) If you’re a woman, you usually kiss friends, family members and sometimes acquaintances. Some believe that la bise was revived after the 1789 French revolution, saying that la bise symbolized the exact constitutional maxim of liberty, equality, and fraternity written about in the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen. But that’s OK because there was enough overlap to come up with some general best practices to Faire la bise . But in some regions, it can be three or four. Faire la bise en France peut varier d'une région à une autre. Of Latin origin, the greeting kissing persists in countries where the culture of contact dominates, and this culture is deeply rooted in France. 1. Bise etiquette: comment faire la bise in France (and other European countries). On improvise pour la remplacer mais la tâche n'est point aisée, tant ce geste est porteur de sens depuis que l'Histoire a commencé. Greeting or saying goodbye to friends and family with a sweet (nonromantic) exchange of kisses is perhaps the most essential French gesture. Integral to French society, its system and values, it is imperative that you learn the rules and regulations to ‘faire la bise’ or you might find yourself in a rather sticky situation.. To Bise Or Not To Bise … That Is The Question! He only shakes hands. En ces temps d'épidémie de coronavirus, le ministère de la Santé déconseille en effet de la pratiquer. It is true that in France, faire la bise is firmly anchored in the habits of the French, and… we kiss each other all day long: it is a must ritual! I actually appreciate the fact that my teenage sons friends always enter our house and faire la bise with me and shake hands with my husband as they enter. (ex les grand-parents des amis, etc) Mais, heureusement je m’y suis habitué. Toolkit: Faire La Bise. In France, cheek kissing is called "faire la bise". [6] 2. J’ai passé plusieurs années en France et au début ça m’a fait drôle de faire la bise à quelqu’un que je vouvoyais. Survolez les départements qui vous intéressent pour afficher leurs statistiques. Here in the south, men almost always faire la bise with one another. I wrote a small article about our experience with La Bise in France here.. Vous vous êtes sûrement déjà demandé combien de bises vous deviez faire à votre interlocuteur lors d'un déplacement ? Here's how to say hello, meet and properly greet people in various regions of France, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Understanding the bise can be difficult so let's get this sorted! When the Black Plague began, faire la bise immediately stopped. The French greeting almost always includes ‘la bise’. Une, deux, trois ou même cinq, voici les règles à suivre. A popular French joke states that you may recognize the city you are in by counting the number of cheek kisses, as it varies across the country.